(Oppdatert 6. Mai, 2021)
A Course in Miracles (The Text, Workbook for
Students and Manual for Teachers)
Addison, Charles: The History of the Knights Templar (Kindle)
Alexander, Amir: Infinitesmal.
How a Dangerous Mathematical Theory Shaped the Modern World (Oneworld,
Alford, Alan F.: The Atlantis
Secret. A Complete Decoding of Plato’s Lost Continent (Eridu Books, 2001)
Asbridge, Thomas: The
Crusades. The War for The Holy Land (Simon & Schuster, 2012)
Assante, Julia: The Last Frontier: Exploring the Afterlife and Transforming Our Fear of
Death (Kindle)
Baigent, Michael/ Leigh, Richard: The Elixir and the Stone. The Tradition of Magic and Alchemy
Baigent, Michael/ Leigh, Richard/ Lincoln,
Henry: The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail
Baigent, Michael/ Leigh, Richard/ Lincoln,
Henry: The Messianic Legacy
Baigent, Michael/ Leigh, Richard/ Lincoln,
Henry: The
Baigent, Michael/ Leigh, Richard: The Inquisition
Barber, Malcolm: The
Trial of the Templars
Barber, Malcolm: The
New Knighthood. A History of the Order of the Temple
Heart: Vinden er
min mor. En indiansk medisinmanns liv og visdom (Ex Libris, 1999)
J.G.: Gurdieff
– en ny verden skapes
Berlitz, Charles: Ragnarokk
Berlitz, Charles/ Moore, William: Philadelphia-eksperimentet
(Hilt & hansteen, 1987)
Berman, Morris: Wiederverzauberung
der Welt. Am Ende des Newtonschen Zeitalters
Bischoff, Erich: Mystik
und Magie der Zahlen
Bjørkman, Rosie: Jolanda den
tredjes bok om Tarot (Fischer & Co, 2001)
Blake, Peter/Blezard, Paul S.: The Arcadian Cipher. The Quest to Crack the Code of Christianity’s
Greatest Secret (Sidgwick & Jackson, 2000)
Miranda: Tegn & Symboler
fra hele verden (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1997)
Paul: Bak
Indias lukkede porter
Capra, Fritjof: The
Turning Point. Science, Society and the Rising Culture
Capra, Fritjof: The
Tao of Physics (Fontana/Collins, 1976)
Capra, Fritjof: The Web of Life. A New Synthesis of Mind and
Matter (Flamingo, 1997)
Capra, Fritjof/ Luisi, Pier Luigi: The Systems View of Life. A Unifying
Vision (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
Capra, Fritjof: Das
Neue Denken. Aufbruch zum neuen Bewusstsein. Die Entstehung eines
ganzheitlichen Weltbildes im Spannungsfeld zwischen Naturwissenschaft und
Mystik (Scherz, 1987)
Carwin, James: Pleiadian
Prophesy 2020. The New Golden Age
Cavendish, Richard: A
History of Magic
Chambers, Paul: Paranormal
People. The Famous, the Infamous and the Supernatural
Chown, Marcus: The Ascent
of Gravity. The Quest to Understand the Force That Explain Everything (Weidenfeld
& Nicolson, 2018)
Tobias: The
Lost Pillars of Enoch (Inner Traditions, 2021)
Arthur C.: Illustrert
vitenskaps store bok om mystikk
Collins, Andrew: Twenty-first
Century Grail. The Quest for a Legend. (Virgin, 2004)
Collins, Andrew: The
Cygnus Mystery (Watkins Publishing,
Coppens, Philip: The Stone
Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel (Frontier Publishing, 2004)
Coppens, Philip: The Ancient
Alien Question (New Page Books, 2012)
Cox, Simon: Cracking
the Da Vinci Code (Michael O’Mara Books, 2004)
Simon: Nøkkelen til Engler
& demoner. Den uautoriserte guiden til faktaene bak fantasien (Damm,
Simon: Nøkkelen til
Det tapte symbol (Cappelen Damm, 2009)
Cremo, Michael A./ Thompson, Richard L.: Forbidden
Archaeology (Torchlight Publishing, 2015)
Cremo, Michael A./ Thompson, Richard L.: The
Hidden History of The Human Race (Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, 2013)
Dahl, Ludvig: Livet
efter døden i nyt lys. Et indlæg og en dokumentation i diskussionen om de
oversanselige fænomener
Damman, Erik: Bak tid og
rom (Dreyer, 1987)
Dawkins, Richard: An Appetite
for Wonder (Black Swan, 2014)
Dawkins, Richard: Brief Candle
in the Dark (Black Swan, 2015)
Dickinson, Peter: Chance,
Luck & Destiny
Dobelli, Rolf: Kunsten å
tenke klart (Vega Forlag, 2014)
Drewermann, Eugen: Giordano
Bruno oder der Spiegel des unendlichen
Drosnin, Michael: The
Bible Code
Dry, Sarah: The
Newton Papers (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Dunn, Christopher: The Giza
Power Plant. Technologies of Ancient Egypt (Bear & Company, 1998)
Dǜrr, Hans-Peter: Physik
und Transzendenz. Die groβen Physiker unseres Jahrhunderts ũber ihre
Begegnung mit dem Wunderbaren
Dyson, George: Turing’s
Cathedral. The Origin oft he Digital Universe (Penguin Books, 2012)
Enright, D.J.: The
Oxford Book of Death
Eysenck, Hans J./ Sargent, Carl: Explaining
the Unexplained. Mysteries of the Paranormal (BCA, 1993)
Farrell, Joseph P.: Babylon’s
Banksters. The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance and Religion (Feral House, 2010).
Ferguson, Kitty: Pythagoras.
His Lives and the Legacy of a Rational Universe (Icon, 2011)
Bernhard: De 12
stjernetegn (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1989)
Flem-Ath, Rand & Rose: When the Sky Fell. In Search of Atlantis (Lion, 1995)
David: Symbolenes
språk (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1996)
Tore: Søkelys
på det mystiske og uforklarlige
Gardner, Laurence: Genesis
of the Grail Kings. The Pendragon Legacy of Adam and Eve
Gardner, Laurence: The Shadow
of Solomon. The Lost Secret of the Freemasons Revealed (HarperElement,
Gleick, James: Chaos. The
Amazing Science of the Unpredictable (Vintage Books, 1998)
Greenwood, Susan: Witchcraft:
A History. The Study of Magic and Necromancy Through the Ages (Lorenz
Books, 2013)
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen: The
Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft (Facts on File, 1989)
Gurdjieff, G.I.: Life Is Real
Only Then, When I Am” (Arkana
Penguin Books, 1991)
Haag, Michael: The
Templars. History & Myth (Profile Books, 2009).
Hancock, Graham (Ed.): The Divine
Spark. Psychedelics, Consciousness and the Birth of Civilisation (Hay
House, 2015)
Hansen, Jan-Erik Ebbestad: Jakob
Boehme. Liv – Tenkning – Idehistoriske forutsetninger
Harris, Sam: Waking
Up. Searching for Spirituality Without Religion (Black Swan, 2014)
Harrison, Ted: Beyond
Dying. The Mystery of Eternity (Lion Publishing, 2000)
Karl Milton:
Den okkulte løsning (Dreyer,
Karl Milton: De skjulte
brødre. Frimureriet – myter og virkelighet (Ex Libris, 1994)
John J.: Dialog
med det ukjente. Parapsykologi og kristen tro
Heath, Richard: Sacred
Number and the Origins of Civilization (Inner Traditions, 2007)
Henry, John: Knowledge is
Power. How Magic, the Government and an Apocalyptic Vision Inspired Francis
Bacon to Create Modern Science (Icon Books, 2003)
Hermes Trismegistus: Corpus Hermeticum
Hewitt, V.J./ Lorie, Peter: Nostradamus. The End of the Millennium
Hock, Robert: Chaos. Oder
Das Leben und Sterben des Peter Lobowski (Tredition GmbH, 2014)
Holland, John. H.: Emergence.
From Chaos to Order (Oxford University Press, 1998).
Hopkins, Marilyn (m.fl.): Rex Deus. The True Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau and the Dynasty of
Jesus. (Element, 2000)
Horowitz, Leonard G./Puleo, Joseph S.: Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (Tetrahedron
Publishing Group, 2001)
Huxley, Aldous: The
Perennial Philosophy (Stellar Classics, 2013)
Icke, David: …and
the Truth Shall Set You Free
Icke, David: The
Biggest Secret
Icke, David: The
Robot’s Rebellion. The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
Icke, David: Children
of the Matrix
Icke, David: Lifting
the Vail (Truth Seeker, 1998)
Icke, David: Tales
from the Time Loop (Bridge of Love, 2003)
Icke, David: Alice
in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster (Bridge
of Love, 2002)
kunnskapens grenseland. Vitenskap, Natur, Historie, Religion (Det
Beste, 1997)
Rob: Priest of Nature. The Religious Worlds of
Isaac Newton (Oxford University Press, 2019)
Inglis, Brian:
Natural and Supernatural. A History of the Paranormal
Jacobsen, Annie: Area 51. An
Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base (Orion Books,
Nils-Olof: Liv etter
døden? (Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1972)
Linda: Lost
Masters. Rediscovering the Mysticism of the Ancient Greek
Philosophers (New World Library,
Jung, Carl Gustav: Modern Man
in Search of a Soul (A Harvest Book, Harcourt Inc., opprinnelig 1933)
Jung, Carl Gustav: Memories,
Dreams, Reflections (Vintage Books, 1989)
Kagge, Erling: Stillhet I
støyens tid. Gleden ved å stenge verden ute (Kagge Forlag, 2016)
Kamen, Henry: The
Spanish Inquisition. An Historical Revision
Werner: Mirakel
eller virkelighet
Francis X.: Reiser
i det ukjente. Magi & mystikk (Gyldendal, 1996)
Knight, David: Voyaging in
Strange Seas. The Great Revolution In Science (Yale University Press, 2014)
Knight, Christopher/ Lomas, Robert: The Hiram Key. Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret
Scrolls of Jesus
Knight, Christopher/ Lomas, Robert: The Second Messiah. Templars, the
Arthur: Tilfeldighetens
Hans: Ewiges
Kumar, Manjit: Quantum.
Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality (Icon,
Kurtz, Waldemar: Das
Kleinod in der Lotus-Blute. Zen-Meditation heute
Laidler, Keith: The
Head of God. The Lost Treasure of the Templars
Vanessa: Kabbala.
Praktiske ritualer for healing, magi og beskyttelse (Hilt & Hansteen,
Lawlor, Robert: Sacred
Geometry. Philosophy and Practice (Thames & Hudson, 1982)
Le Grice, Keiron: The Archetypical
Cosmos. Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology (Floris
Books, 2012)
Lea, Henry Charles: Die
Leonard, George: Der
Pulsschlag des Universums. Schwingung und Rhythmus – was die Welt im innersten
Livio, Mario: Brilliant
Blunders. (Simon & Schuster Paperbacs, 2014)
Loe, Erlend og Amundsen, Petter: Organisten
Lorimer, David: Survival?
Body, Mind and Death in the Light of Psychic
Magne: Den
uendelige virkeligheten (Cappelen, 1991)
MacDonald, Ronald, Rowen, Robert: They
Own It All (Including You) By Means of Toxic Currency, (2009).
Man, John: Saladin. The
Life, The Legend and the Islamic Empire (Corgi Books, 2015)
Marchant, Jo: Decoding the
Heavens (Windmill Books, 2009)
Marrs, Jim: The
Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy (Harper, 2011)
Marrs, Jim: Rule by
Secrecy (William Morrow, 2000)
Marrs, Jim: The Rise of
The Fourth Reich (William Morrow, 2008)
Marrs, Jim: Our Occulted
History (William Morrow, 2013)
Marrs, Texe: Conspiracy of the
Six-Pointed Star (RiverCrest
Publishing, 2011).
Maxwell, Jordan: Matrix
of Power. How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People Without Your
Knowledge (The Book Tree, 2000)
Michaud, Joseph Francois: The
History of The Crusades (Kindle)
Mogstad, Sverre Dag: Frimureri.
Mysterier, fellesskap, personlighetsdannelse
Molyneaux, Brian Leigh/ Vitebsky, Piers: Sacred Earth, Sacred Stones. Spiritual Sites and Landscapes. Ancient Alignments. Earth Energy (Duncan
Baird Publishers, 2001)
Raymond: Paranormal.
My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife (Rider, 2012).
Thomas: The
Planets Within. The Astrological Psychology of Marsilio Ficino (Lindisfarne
Books, 1989)
Mytologi. Guder, helter og
myter, (Spektrum Forlag, 2005)
Nielsen, Greg/ Polansky, Joseph: Pendulum Power. A Mystery You Can See, a Power You Can Feel
Nostradamus profetier
Oldenburg, Zoé: Massacre at
Montségur. A History of the Albigensian Crusade (Phoenix, 2000)
Robert/ Sobel, David: Sunn
sjel i syndig legeme (Gyldendal, 1990)
Oxbrow, Mark/ Robertson, Ian: Rosslyn
and the Grail (Mainstream Publishing, 2006)
Paramahansa Yogananda: Autobiography
of a Yogi (Self-Realization Fellowship, 2015)
Partner, Peter: The
Knights Templar and Their Myth
Louis/ Bergier, Jacques: Den fantastiske virkelighed I/II
Picknett, Lynn/ Prince, Clive: The Templar Revelation. Secret Guardians of the True Identity of
Picknett, Lynn/ Prince, Clive: The
Sion Revelation, Inside the Shadowy World of Europe’s Secret Masters (Sphere,
Picknett, Lynn/ Prince, Clive: Turin
Shroud. How Leonardo da Vinci Fooled History (Sphere, 2006)
Porter, Lindsay: Who Are the
Illuminati? (Collins Brown, 2005)
Price, Robert M.: Top Secret.
The Truth Behind Today’s Pop Mysticism (Prometheus Books, 2008)
Heather: Himmlers herrefolk. Jakten på den ariske
rases opprinnelse (Bazar, 2008)
Ilya/ Stengers, Isabelle: Order out of Chaos.
Man’s New Dialogue With Nature (Flamingo,
Pye, Llloyd: The Starchild Skull. Genetic Enigma or…
Human-Alien Hybrid? (Bell
Lap Books Inc., 2007)
Ravenscroft, Trevor/ Wallace-Murphy, Tim: The Mark of the Beast. The Continuing Story of The Spear of Destiny
(Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1997)
Read, Piers Paul: The
Redfern, Nick: The NASA
Conspiracies. The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, Censored Photos, and the Face
on Mars (New page Books, 2011
Redfield, James: The
Celestine Prophecy. An Experimental Guide
Jane: Din
egentlige virkelighet (Hilt & Hansteen)
Roberts, Jane: Seth-materialet
(Hilt & Hansteen, 1990)
Robinson, John J.: Dungeon,
Fire and Sword. The Knights Templar in the Crusades
Robinson, John J.: Born in
Blood. The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry (M. Evans & Company / New York, 1989)
Roche, Deodat: Katharerne
og deres udslettelse under albigenserkorstogene
Richard/ Ebert, Andreas: Sjelens 9 ansikter. Enneagrammet – Et redskap til personlig vekst
Roll, Michael R.: Masonic Enlightenment – The Philosophy, History and Wisdom of
Freemasonry (Kindle)
Sauder, Richard:
Hidden in Plain Sight:
Beyond the X-Files (Kindle)
Schuster, Georg: Geheime
Gesellschaften , Verbindungen und Orden
Schramm, Petra: Die
Alchemisten. (Edition Rarissima, 1984)
Shah, Idries: Learning
How to Learn. Psychology and Spirituality in the
Sheldrake, Rupert: The Science
Delusion (Coronet, 2013)
Sheldrake, Rupert: A
New Science of Life
Short, Martin: Inside
the Brotherhood. Further Secrets of the Freemasons
Silva, Freddy: First
Templar Nation. How Eleven Knights Created a New Country and a Refuge for the
Grail (Destiny Books, 2017)
Sinclair, Andrew: The
Discovery of the Grail
Sire, H.J.A.: The
Knights of
Sora, Steven: The Lost
Treasure of the Knights Templar. Solving the
Southern, Patricia: Julius
Cesar. A Life (Amberley, 2019)
Spence, Lewis: The
Encyclopedia of the Occult
Starbird, Margaret: Magdalene’s
Lost Legacy. Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity (Bear Company, 2003)
Stearn, Jess: Edgar Cayce.
The Sleeping Prophet (Bantam Books, 1968)
Stott, Rebecca: Darwin’s
Ghost. In Search of the First Evolutionists (Bloomsbury, 2013)
Surya, G.W.: Paracelsus,
den store middelalderlæge
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Life After
Death (The New-Church Press, New York)
Szepes, Maria: Academia
Occulta. Die geheimen Lehren des Abendlandes
Sørensen, Øystein: Den store
sammensvergelsen (Aschehoug, 2007)
The Portable Enlightenment Reader (Ed. Isaac Kramnick) (Penguin
Books, 1995)
Gerry Maguire: Verdens
åndelige og mystiske tradisjoner. Opprinnelse og utvikling (N.W. Damm &
søn, 2005)
Eckhart: Det er nå du
lever. En veiviser til åndelig opplysning (Cappelen Damm, 2008)
Eckhart: The Power of
Now (Yellow Kite, 2016)
Peter/ Bird, Christopher: Plantenes hemmelige liv
Jan Bojer: Vestens
mysterier. En innføring i okkultismens historie
Butlar, Johannes: Sorte hull og kosmiske tidsreiser
Annastina: Tenk deg et
bedre liv. Om affirmasjon og positiv tenkning (Grøndahl, 1988)
Wachtel, Siegfried/ Jendrusch, Andrej: Der Linksdrall in der Natur. Eine
Entdeckung und ihr Schicksal
Walker, Barbara G.: The
Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
Wallace-Murphy, Tim/ Hopkins, Marilyn: Rosslyn.
Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail (Thorsons, 2000)
Neale Donald: Vennskap
med Gud – en samtale uten grenser (Hilt & Hansteen,
Neale Donald:
Himmelske samtaler. En uvanlig dialog. Bok 1 (Hilt & Hansteen, 2000)
Jeremi: Det kosmiske
drama og drømmer om den kongelige vei på terskelen til en ny tid (Pax,
Wasserman, James: Templar
Heresy. A Story of Gnostic Illumination (Destiny Books, 2017)
Watson, Lyall: Dreams
of Dragons
Watson, Lyall: Gifts
og Unknown Things
Watson, Lyall: The
Romeo Error
Watson, Lyall: Lifetide
Watson, Lyall: Lightning
Watson, Lyall: Heaven’s
Watson, Lyall: Supernature
Watson, Lyall: Beyond
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mellom himmel og jord eller det overnaturlige som naturhistorie (Ernst G.
Mortensens Forlag, 1975)
Watts, Alan: TAO:
The Watercourse Way
Michael: Leonardo.
Den første vitenskapsmann (Damm, 2002)
Wilczek, Frank: A Beautiful
Question. Finding Natur’s Deep Design (Penguin Books, 2016)
Colin: Rudolf
Steiner. En mann og hans visjon
Wilson, Colin (Ed.): The
Giant Book of the Unknown
Wilson, Colin: The
Wilson, Colin: Afterlife.
An Investigation of the Evidence for Life after Death
Wilson, Colin: The
Essential Colin Wilson
Wilson, Colin: The
Occult. The Ultimate Book for Those Who Would Walk With the Gods
Wilson, Colin: Mysteries
Wilson, Derek: Superstition & Science.
Mystics, Sceptics, Truth-seekers and Charlatans (Robinson, 2017)
Peter: Trærnes
hemmelige liv (Cappelen Damm, 2016)
Woolley, Benjamin: The
Queen’s Conjuror. The Life and Magic of Dr. Dee (HarperCollins, 2002)
Wood, David: Genisis.
The First Book of Revelations (The Baton Press, 1985)
Wood, David/ Campbell, Ian: Geneset Target Earth. The Solution to One of the Greatest Mysteries
on Earth (Bellevue Books, 1994)
Yates, Frances: The
Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age (Routledge Classics, 2001)
Frances: The
Rosicrucian Enlightenment (Routledge Classics, 2002)
Yates, Frances: Modernitetens okkulte inspirasjon. Giordano Bruno og arven etter Hermes
Trismegistos Pax
Forlag, 2001).
Zaleski, Carol: Reiser i en annen verden. Nær-døden-opplevelser i middelalderen og i
dag (Pax Forlag A/S, 2002)
Aase, Roger Karsten: Frimurernes hemmeligheter. Fortalt fra innsiden (Kagge Forlag,